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Mum holder her baby, whilst doctor is checking her heartbeat with stethoscope.

Making healthcare fairer and better for everyone

Health inequalities are unfair and avoidable differences in healthcare. Sadly, barriers like low income, limited education or discrimination can make it harder for some groups of people to get the care they need.

Reducing health inequalities for all at Evelina London

We’re passionate about reducing health inequalities so every baby, child, young person and family can experience the incredible care at Evelina London, no matter who they are or where they live.

To remove barriers to care and improve patient access to Evelina London’s hospital and community services, we asked the devoted Evelina London team for innovative ideas to remove barriers to care, including consultants neonatologist and obstetrician, psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, and children’s nurses. These individuals, closest to the patients, are vital in shaping care decisions and developing solutions to remove barriers to care.

With the help of generous donations, we’re bringing their imagination to life by funding seven trailblazing projects that go beyond what the NHS can provide.

Our three pioneering projects to reduce health inequalities for children and young people

Nurse on the left holding a pad screening the child on the right.

1. Mental health screening for non-verbal children

We’re funding a brilliant new toolkit to help identify mental health issues in children with communication challenges and disabilities. Some of these children struggle to express their emotions and don’t always get the support they need. This toolkit allows the committed team to make earlier interventions and referrals to mental health services, helping children to live happier, healthier lives.

2. Supporting children and young people with functional neurological disorders

Functional neurological disorders (FND) affects how the brain receives and sends information to the rest of the body and can cause symptoms like paralysis, seizures, fatigue and memory problems. Right now, there are no dedicated NHS services for children and young people with FND. That’s why we’re excited to support the Bounce Back project, which will adapt adult treatments for children and train children’s physiotherapists across the UK, with the goal of establishing Evelina London as a national centre for FND treatment for children.

Nurse caring for child patient with her dad beside her in the hospital bed.

3. Caring for vulnerable children

This project addresses health inequalities by identifying children most at risk of constipation in Lambeth and Southwark, which can include neurodiverse children, under-fives, and those living in poverty. We’re thrilled to fund state-of-the-art equipment for early detection and provide education for parents and staff. As a result, more children will be treated sooner, easing discomfort and reducing A&E visits.

Our four pioneering projects to help make healthcare fairer for carers and families

Mother holding her baby

1. Supporting families facing trauma

This innovative project looks at the impact of trauma and inequality on maternity and neonatal care for families from the global majority and low-income households. We’re funding a specialist training programme to help the everyday heroes at Evelina London understand how trauma, including violence and racism, affects families.

By helping staff communicate more sensitively and supportively, the project will improve parent involvement in care and lead to better outcomes for babies. Together, we can transform their experience of care for the better.

2. Supporting pregnant women with nutritional deficiency anaemia

Nutritional deficiency anaemia is a condition where there’s not enough nutrients in the blood, leading to fatigue and weakness. Pregnant women are particularly at risk of iron deficiency anaemia, which can affect their health and the health of their babies.

Driven by the dedicated maternity team, the Iron Mum project will create personalised care plans for pregnant women with nutritional deficiency anaemia, where appropriate. By tailoring dietary advice for different cultures, the team can help parents stay energised and healthy. Some women may also be able to avoid invasive treatments like receiving iron through a drip or undergoing blood transfusions. Thanks to our superstar supporters, we’re helping improve the health of mums and babies from our diverse community.

Premature baby in hospital.

3. Reducing the risks of premature births

This pioneering training programme aims to reduce premature births, especially in women from the global majority, who may experience some barriers to care. We’re proud to support the expert Evelina London team as they learn specialist techniques to detect the signs of early labour more accurately.

Recent advances have shown that cervical length assessment is an important factor in predicting premature birth with high accuracy. The project will train clinicians in this technique to improve the early identification of women at risk, supporting more timely interventions and better outcomes for mums and babies.

4. Tackling inequalities in preterm births

We want every woman to experience incredible care after a premature birth. But studies show that women from marginalised communities and young mums are less likely to receive antenatal corticosteroids, a medication that can reduce complications for the baby. This can put tiny babies at risk. With our support, the caring team are introducing a trailblazing programme that empowers patients and trains staff so all women can receive timely treatment.

With your help, we can do amazing things to reduce health inequalities so everyone gets the care they need, when they need it.
