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Image of Cruz running at The British Transplant Games

VIPS at the British Transplant Games

Each year, Evelina London Children’s Charity supports a team of young kidney transplant recipients and their families to attend the British Transplant Games.

About the Transplant Games

The Transplant Games is an annual sporting event that brings together over 900 incredible transplant recipients, from as young as 3 years to 75+ years. The courageous competitors take on sports such as track and field events, swimming, badminton, ball throw, tennis, and cycling.

The Games aims to:

  • Celebrate life: Every competitor has undergone a lifesaving transplant. This is an opportunity to come together, cheer for each other and take on a physical challenge.
  • Raise awareness: The Games highlight the continued need for transplants and organ donation. And they’re a great way to say thank you to the remarkable donor families who have helped to save a life.

Transplants at Evelina London Children’s Hospital

The Evelina London kidney transplant service was this country’s first established children’s kidney programme, pioneering children’s transplantation in 1968 and continuing to provide amazing care ever since.

Unfortunately, receiving a transplant is not a cure for organ failure. The children who receive transplants at Evelina London will receive lifelong treatment, including taking medication and regular visits to hospital for ongoing appointments and care. There are about 100 children under the continued care of Evelina London’s Kidney Transplant Unit.

Image of a VIP at The British Transplant Games

Our Evelina London VIPs

Each year, we fund a team of kidney transplant recipients and their families to attend the Games. The amazing children Evelina London cares for are very important people. But for us, VIP stands for something different. The transplant clinic is situated on Penguin Ward, so Evelina London’s competitors are the Very Important Penguins!

"To see the determination of the competitors is truly a humbling and inspirational experience."

Grainne Walsh, Advanced Nurse Practitioner in the kidney transplant team.

We want to ensure as many VIP families as possible can attend the Games, no matter their circumstances. The Games can cost an average of £1,500 per family, including travel, accommodation, and food costs.

The benefits to both the children and their families are enormous:

  • Peer support: Transplant recipients often feel different from their friends. The Games give them the opportunity to train and compete with children who have been through a similar experience, all under Evelina London’s expert medical guidance.
  • Family support: For parents and siblings, meeting others in a similar situation shows them that they’re not alone and provides a vital support network. They can travel with their child with confidence since Evelina London staff and volunteers are on hand to help.
  • Health and wellbeing: Children are supported to take part and get active – from running and swimming, to bowling and the obstacle race. This gives them a clear goal and promotes long-term health and mental wellbeing.
  • Sportsmanship: Everyone is encouraged to do their best and support one another – whether the winner or in last place, every competitor receives the same standing ovation. This team spirit lasts well beyond the Games – the Evelina London team see children demonstrating kindness every day on the wards.
  • Fun: This is a celebration of life! Through charity funding, the VIPs and their families can take a break from the hospital environment, celebrate together and sing the team anthem, ‘Simply the Best.’

Patients in need of organ transplants rely on people being willing to donate their organs after death or donating a kidney or part of their liver as living donors. Register your decision about organ donation.

Image of Cruz smiling at The British Transplant Games

“After my operation, I couldn’t wait to take part in the British Transplant Games...  Because of Evelina London, I know I can do anything I want to.”

Cruz, Evelina London VIP, aged 10
Image of Estelle at the Transplant Games 2024

Triumph for our 2024 VIPs

This August, with our support, 30 Evelina London kidney transplant patients and their families competed in the Games. The group of 3 to 17-year olds, competed in heaps of events, like track and field, archery, cycling, swimming and racquet sports.

Across the weekend, the team won 12 gold, 10 silver and 21 bronze medals and thanks to their amazing medal count were named winners of the kidney category at the event.

Donate now and you could help send a young transplant recipient to the British Transplant Games.


For photos from 2023, photo credit:
Damian Argi
@damian_argi_photo (social)