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Amelia at Evelina London as a baby

Leigh and James' two week wait

They received the news that no parent wants to hear: baby Amelia had a hole in her heart

Amelia’s mum and dad, Leigh and James, first found out their daughter had a heart problem during their routine 20-week pregnancy scan at their local hospital.

After being transferred to Evelina London, the next day they received the news that no parent wants to hear: Amelia had a hole in her heart. She needed surgery to repair it but not until she was strong enough to survive the procedure.

Amelia’s surgery lasted eight hours and it was two weeks in intensive care before, parents, Leigh and James finally saw her open her eyes and smile again.

“We are so grateful for the amazing care the staff provided for Amelia.” – Leigh

 Evelina London is the only hospital in the UK using 3D MRI scans to help diagnose heart problems in unborn babies (yes – still in the womb!).

This means that babies, like Amelia, are able to get the suitable treatment even sooner from when they are born.

Amelia as a baby in hospital with a tube

“The first few weeks after Amelia was born were the most difficult of our lives – but we knew that she was in the best possible hands at Evelina London. The staff became more like family and went above and beyond to ensure Amelia was comfortable and to make sure my husband and I were also looked after.”

Leigh, Amelia's Mum
Amelia is 6 now, happy and smiley

Amelia is now six years old and still comes to Evelina London for her yearly check-ups.

One of her favourite things to do is play board games with her family and friends. She also loves to sing and dance!

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